How to Find and Choose the Perfect LGBTQ+ Friendly Accommodations for Your Vacation

Traveling can be a daunting task for anyone, but for members of the LGBTQ+ community, finding the right accommodations can be an added challenge. Fortunately, there are now many LGBTQ+ friendly accommodations available that provide a welcoming and safe environment for all people. Here are some tips on how to find and choose the perfect LGBTQ+ friendly accommodations for your vacation.

1. Research the Location

Before you start looking for accommodations, it is important to research the location you will be traveling to. Some cities and countries are more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community than others. You can find information on LGBTQ+ friendly destinations and accommodations on websites like and

2. Look for LGBTQ+ Friendly Accommodations

Once you have identified your preferred location, start searching for LGBTQ+ friendly accommodations. Many hotels, bed and breakfasts, and vacation rentals now advertise themselves as LGBTQ+ friendly. Look for accommodations that have a non-discrimination policy in place and have received positive reviews from LGBTQ+ guests.

3. Read Reviews

Reading reviews from previous guests is a great way to get an idea of what to expect from an accommodation. Look for reviews from LGBTQ+ travelers specifically to see if they felt comfortable and welcomed during their stay. If there are negative reviews from LGBTQ+ guests, it may be a red flag that the accommodation is not as LGBTQ+ friendly as it claims to be.

4. Check for Inclusive Policies

When choosing an accommodation, make sure to check for inclusive policies. Do they have a gender-inclusive bathroom? Do they allow same-sex couples to share a bed? These may seem like small details, but they can make a big difference in how comfortable and welcome you feel during your stay.

5. Reach Out to the Accommodation

If you are unsure about an accommodation's LGBTQ+ friendliness or policies, don't hesitate to reach out to them directly. You can email or call the accommodation and ask about their policies or any specific concerns you may have. If they are truly LGBTQ+ friendly, they will be happy to answer your questions and provide reassurance.

6. Consider LGBTQ+ Owned Accommodations

Another great option is to consider LGBTQ+ owned accommodations. These accommodations are often run by members of the LGBTQ+ community and are specifically designed to cater to LGBTQ+ travelers. Not only will you likely feel more comfortable staying at an LGBTQ+ owned accommodation, but you will also be supporting a small business within the community.

7. Use LGBTQ+ Travel Agencies

If you are still having difficulty finding LGBTQ+ friendly accommodations, consider using an LGBTQ+ travel agency. These agencies specialize in LGBTQ+ travel and can provide recommendations for accommodations that are specifically tailored to your needs and preferences.

8. Be Prepared for Different Cultural Norms

It is important to remember that different cultures have different norms when it comes to LGBTQ+ acceptance. When traveling outside of your own country, do some research on the cultural attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community. Be respectful of local customs and laws, but also be aware of your own safety and comfort.

9. Advocate for Yourself

Lastly, don't be afraid to advocate for yourself. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe at an accommodation, speak up and let them know. You have every right to feel welcome and accepted during your travels, and any accommodation that claims to be LGBTQ+ friendly should be willing to accommodate your needs.

Finding the perfect LGBTQ+ friendly accommodations for your vacation requires some research and preparation, but it is definitely worth the effort. By following these tips and being mindful of your own needs and preferences, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable travel experience that celebrates diversity and inclusivity.